Monday 26 April 2010

Coding Problems Continue

HMRC's coding problems continue to cause problems for taxpayers.

Accountancy Age quotes Peter Mitchell, chairman of the Society of Professional Accountants, saying that "as many as one in five" tax coding notices this year may be wrong. He went on to say that some firms are only this month receiving tax coding notices, dated from February 2010.

Jonathan Russell, past president of the UK200Group and partner at ReesRussell, said:

"A significant number, if not a majority, of our clients have been affected.

We don't know how long they will take to resolve as [HMRC] are only accepting letters, having told us they cannot change anything as a result of a phone call and it must be put in writing

How long does it take HMRC take to react to letters?

This will run and run!

Tax does have to be taxing.

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HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"


  1. We don't know how long they will take to resolve as [HMRC] are only accepting letters, having told us they cannot change anything as a result of a phone call and it must be put in writing.

    This strikes me as odd, because to my knowledge the call centre staff are able to update/amend tax codes. As even when they aren't able to (for whatever reason), they send a work item down to processing offices to do it, although this usually means a delay of up to three weeks.

  2. Of the 60 calls I took today 75% were coding changes the bulk from agents. Yet another mis-informed HMRC bashing. Keep up the 'unbiased' work.

  3. Why is it that the HMRC managers/tossers put themselves and their performance bonuses, stats and spreadsheets first, at the expense of "real" customer service which invariably comes last? Should it not be the other way around?!!

  4. The question is which top boss or bosses should be sacked for letting PAYE go live before they had tested it for a full year and wth no back up plan?
    When all these codes started going out for jobs people hadnt worked in for 30 years in January we had to keep taking the calls and wait for someone to write guidance for us to follow in this situation. Apparently the guidance was crap as the same thing is now happening again and the three months of hell we had from January to March was a total waste of our time and your money.
